Enrollment Business Training

business training Aug 16, 2023

From Purium's Business Training Zoom on Tuesday, August 15, 2023 with Amy Venner. Join the co-founders every 3rd Tuesday of every month for a special Purium Business Training.



An overarching principle that we can all agree on within our business is that you only win when you help others win. That is a principle of network marketing and we see this happen in the Purium community over and over and over again. 

Are you sharing the health and wealth of Purium?

Purium is very proud of the collection of superfoods and programs that have helped thousands transform their lives over the years. In addition to the health aspect, Purium also has an incredible compensation plan. The best way to grow your Purium Business is to talk about both of these amazing opportunities.

For our August Declaration Day Survey, we found that 80% of people surveyed are equally excited about sharing Purium’s health and wealth opportunities. While the numbers don’t quite say that, the intention is there and these Tuesday calls with Leslie, Amy, and Dave are all about growing the skills and mindset to match your intentions.

Purium Enrollment has a new look!

Purium’s enrollment webpage received a major makeover and we are excited to finally push it live! Dave’s recent enrollment video is front and center making it simple and easy to watch the video with a prospect and immediately get the enrollment done right then and there.

When you scroll down, the Lifestyle Subscription is the first call to action you will see. This makes it easier than ever for anyone who joins Purium to get started with the best Purium program.

As a reminder, there are healthy habit points on the table. You can earn 300 GQV points when your new existing personally enrolled customers complete their Lifestyle Subscriptions in October 2023. 

Stay Connected To Purium With Google Tools!

This Google Folder has a number of tools for you. From zooms and training recaps to recognition and success stories, details are at your fingertips! Bookmark this link so you can quickly find the info you need.

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Purium is not just changing the way people eat -- we're changing the way they live. We want to spread economic freedom and plant-based wellness. Are you in?