What Can Purium Learn from Taylor Swift?

business training Jun 21, 2023

From Purium's Business Training Zoom on Tuesday, June 20, 2023 with Amy Venner. Join the co-founders every 3rd Tuesday of every month for a special Purium Business Training.



Taylor Swift vs Purium By the Numbers

To celebrate her daughter’s 8th Grade graduation, Amy took her two daughters to see Taylor Swift live in front of a sold out crowd. That crowd consisted of 70,000 people! It got Amy thinking, why can’t Purium do that? 

Purium currently sends off 16,500 shipments per month. How Purium can reach Taylor’s number is by “shaking off” our fears and turning up each of our why’s. These massive numbers Taylor brings show that people with disposable income want to have fun and be part of an awesome community. Why can’t that community be Purium?

People are paying $455 to see Taylor Swift perform. Purium’s average order value is currently $199. Think about those numbers for a minute. People can spend half of one night’s worth of entertainment to receive a health regime to up level their health and add years to their lives. 

When People Want Something, They Will Pay For It

One of Amy’s major takeaways from this experience is that when people are highly passionate about something, they will be more than willing to pay for it. It is our job collectively to make people want Purium and bettering their health extremely attractive.

Overcoming Fear

Every single person can be iconic. Every single person can inspire someone to be iconic. Fear is one of the biggest obstacles that can prevent you from reaching your goals. One of the most important things to know concerning fear is that it’s ok to have fears. Being fearless is living in spite of those things that scare you. 

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Purium is not just changing the way people eat -- we're changing the way they live. We want to spread economic freedom and plant-based wellness. Are you in?